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Body composition vs powerhttp://bit.ly/caheightVery rough calculation of effect of body size on CDA and power
Chain wear calculatorhttp://fft.tips/chainPredicts when your chain will wear out and need changing
Change my bar widthhttp://bit.ly/cawbarsShows the effect of handlebar width on steering (for cyclingapps.net)
Climbing critical powerhttp://fft.tips/climbWorks out how hard you should go up climbs
Crank length change toolhttp://bit.ly/cawcranksShows the effect of changing crank size (for cyclingapps.net)
CTL Ramp rate calculatorhttp://fft.tips/CTLWorks out how to change power or TSS based on CTL (aka fitness) ramp rates
Drafting savings calculatorhttp://fft.tips/draftWorks out the benefit of drafting in paceline, track or bunch
Drivetrain efficiency savingshttp://fft.tips/drivetrainShows the efficiency savings of your drivetrain (eg 1x, big ring)
FastestTyreSolverhttp://fft.tips/tyreFinds the fastest tyre based on prediction of aero and rolling losses
FTP 20m=>60m Predictorhttp://fft.tips/ftpA better model for finding 60min best power from 20min power
Fueling and Pacing calculatorhttp://fft.tips/bonkA clever calculator to work out your power and fueling over a long ride
Hub engagement quick calculatorhttps://goo.gl/VjyM2XA quick calculator of hub engagement time
OSPW marginal gainshttp://fft.tips/ospwA way to show the pros and cons of installing an aftermarket OSPW
Pursuit 4000m calculatorhttp://fft.tips/pursuitCompare yourself against Filippo Ganna in his 4000m WR
Power zones calculatorhttp://bit.ly/cawzonesPower zones in a really quick slider (made for cyclingapps.net)
Slam stem and bar savingshttp://fft.tips/stemWorks out savings from stem and bar position on watts and time
Training periodization plannerhttp://fft.tips/tppShows how to periodize your training all year around
Pro Training periodization plannerhttp://fft.tips/tpp3Shows how to periodize your training all year around
Training time-in-zonehttp://fft.tips/tizShows how training models effect your time in zone
Treadmill energy calculatorhttp://fft.tips/treadmillThis is how much energy it costs to run on various treadmill grades
Tyre by surfacehttp://fft.tips/surfaceFinds the perfect tyre for any riding surface (pressure too!)
Tyre pressure solverhttp://fft.tips/pressureFind the optimal tyre pressure depending on weight and size
V02Max calculatorbit.ly/myvo2maxA little v02max to watts to run time calculator (for cyclingapps.net)
Velodrome Calculatorhttps://goo.gl/7Jcv43A handy little velodrome worksheet
Wind Pacinghttp://fft.tips/windHow to pace a race (out&back) or loop according to wind strength
Zwift Predictorhttp://bit.ly/zwiftpredictorConverts bike/tyre/course into zwift predicted finish time (for cyclingapps.net)
500 Climbing bikeshttp://goo.gl/clEWGlA sheet of 500 climbing bikes
Deep Carbon Wheelshttp://bit.ly/fftcarbonA list of all carbon disc brake wheels
Disc brake bike finderhttp://bit.ly/cawdiscwheelA sheet of many disc brake bikes
Groupsets 2020 charthttp://fft.tips/cgroupsetsA bubble chart of groupsets
Helmets 2022 charthttp://fft.tips/chelmetsA bubble chart of helmets
History of cyclinghttps://goo.gl/cGYT6KHistory of cycling by major results (for cyclingapps.net)
Road bike Finderhttps://goo.gl/HsGbAZA list of road bikes up to 2019
Superbikes 2020 charthttp://fft.tips/superbikesA bubble chart of superbikes
Altitude predictoremail usEffect of altitude on power vs V02 max vs speed
Climb finderemail usAll the big climbs in the world in one big spreadsheet!
Virtual wind tunnelemail usCalculator CDA or speed or power from common variables
Universal marginal gain calculatoremail usWorks out the time saving of the top 100 marginal gain options
Detraining & deconditioning predictoremail usWorks out your FTP after having time off the bike
Drafting team pursuit track strategyemail usWorks out draft savings on the track, and a rotational strategy
Rank me as a cyclisthttp://fft.tips/rankmeRanks your w/kg and watts against realistic targets
Interval difficulty calchttp://fft.tips/difficultyCalculates the difficulty of an interval series accurately